Monday 20 August 2007

The End!!

Just wanted to finish the blog with what we got up to on our last few days. Apologies to those who tried to leave messages, I needed to change the settings, it's too late but i've done it now, so sorry about that!
On Thurdsay morning we headed off for our final visit to the street children. Today along with the Drumbo team, we cooked up about half a cow on the bar-be-que for the street children. Things got a bit rough among the street kids nad a few fights broke out, however Tony, the Ugandan in charge of them restored order. This was our final work as a team and it was hard driving away from the street children at the end. Time for leisure in the afternoon and some of us heading back to the craft fair and others to a hotel for swimming. In the evening we went to a chinese for a meal with the Drumbo team.
Packing on Friday but a few of us headed out to the Abaana guesthouse to hang curtains beofre we left for the airport. After 27 longs hours we arrived at Ballyrashane around 2.00 on Saturday. The trip was an amazing experience which we have all learned so much from, and after the year of planning it is hard to believe it is over. Thank-you all for taking an interest in reading waht we have been up to. Dougie.

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